1,000 People Lined Up for 129 Units on Freedom Drive. January 27, 2020
“For two years, the Mezzanine at Freedom project has been celebrated as a glimpse at what’s possible in Charlotte when different organizations work together: Marsh Properties donated the 7.8 acres of west Charlotte land. Covenant Presbyterian raised a staggering $2 million from its congregation. The city added $4.5 million from its Housing Trust Fund. With that money and goodwill as its foundation, the community will include 185 units, 129 of which are reserved for income-qualified renters at various levels of affordability.” Read the full story on Charlotte Agenda here

WCNC-TV “Churches Tackle Affordable Housing Crisis.” November 25, 2019. Click to watch.

PBS Charlotte WTVI, February 19, 2019
WTVI PBS Charlotte
“This [affordable housing] is a big problem and it won’t be solved by just the City or just the private sector. The faith community has tremendous potential to make a difference.”
— Judy Seldin-Cohen, volunteer at Stan Greenspon Center

“2019 Multifamily Affordable Outlook” Fannie Mae Multifamily Market Commentary - February 2019
Fannie Mae Outlook
The article linked above highlights the need for deep housing subsidies in Charlotte and across the country. Renters earning less than 50% AMI (about $37K for a family of 4) constitute 16% of Charlotte renters but only 6% of the rental units are affordable to them.